Pubs are more frequently offering entertainment these days, but the Owners don’t always have the time or inclination to organize it. So, your business idea is this. Find an attractive pub or event arena, and offer to organize a weekly party or live shows such as comedy, Talent hunt, Exhibitions, etc. The arrangement would be that you organize the show and charge admission/gate fee. The Owner of the outlet rents you the space/hall/ground/facilities for either a fee or for free, but he keeps all the profits from the extra food and drink sold. Once the agreement is made, the work is easy. Provide music, etc, perhaps by a good DJ. Promote the event as much as you have the capacity and have tickets sold. The facility owner would, no doubt, be happy with the extra takings. A friend of mine once packaged a VALENTINE GROOVE in Feb 2022 already, the facility owner agreed to give out his Hall out for free, my friend also arranged all upcoming artistes within the community to come showcase their talents, different service providers like ASUN BERBEQUE,FISH BERBEQUE, SMALL CHOPS, SHAWARMA, POPCORN, ICE-CREAM Vendors volunteered to take part in the publicity for the show. It therefore means that my friend was able to organize this show with next to nothing in terms of capital. This event could be a regular show or seasonal, and it could also be a one-off at very little risk to see how it goes. It undoubtedly works because it is merely a way of sub-contracting something out to the mutual benefit of all stakeholders